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Santa Barbara Airport Noise Working Group


The purpose of the Noise Working Group (NWG) at the Santa Barbara Airport is to foster collaboration between neighborhood representatives and airport stakeholders, with the aim of enhancing community understanding of airport operations and noise dynamics. By providing a platform for education and dialogue, the group seeks to identify realistic and achievable strategies to mitigate the noise impact of the airport on surrounding neighborhoods. Through vetting ideas and generating recommendations, the Working Group endeavors to promote harmony between airport operations and the local community, ensuring a sustainable and peaceful coexistence. 

The group aims to meet at least once a quarter, with more frequent meetings initially, as members collaboratively identify their first objectives to address from the Aircraft Noise Action Plan letter, originally proposed by the City of Goleta, as amended and approved by the Santa Barbara City Council on 9/12/23. The Noise Working Group held its first meeting on Wednesday, July 31st, 2024. The next meeting is set for September 25th, 2024.

Formation of the Noise Working Group was solicited by the City of Goleta, City of Santa Barbara, County of Santa Barbara, and Santa Barbara Airport. The representation of members from the areas surrounding the airport is broken down as follows:

6 - Goleta Residents
3 - Santa Barbara County Residents
1 - Santa Barbara Resident
1 - Aviation Business Owner
1 - Santa Barbara Airport Tenant
1 - Flying Club Member
1 - Retired Airline Pilot
1 - Airline Pilot
1 - Southwest Staff
1 - Airport Commissioner
3 - City of Goleta Staff
3 - Santa Barbara Airport Staff