SBA Volunteers Needed Flyer with details of event

Volunteers Needed: SBA Triennial Full Scale Disaster Drill

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SBA is required to run a full scale disaster drill every three years. We are looking for volunteers to join us in the exercise on Thursday, September 15, 2022 from 7:30am-11:30am.

Play the part of passenger or bystander and experience an emergency response to mock real-world disaster with real fire department, law enforcement, emergency and medical personnel responding.

Volunteer Information:

  • Breakfast and lunch are provided
  • Experience emergency response to a mock real-world disaster with actual Fire Department, Law Enforcement, emergency medical response personnel
  • Volunteer “Players” will receive realistic looking injuries with theatrical make-up
  • “Players” will be role-playing as passengers of an aircraft emergency accident, and will be cared for by real medical emergency response personnel
  • Volunteers role-playing “distraught friends and family” will be cared for by actual Red Cross and airline staff
  • Volunteers receive a Certificate of Participation
  • You can bring your kids! (children 5 years of age and older may participate with a parent or legal guardian)

Sign-up or for questions, email Melissa Garcia at

SBA Volunteers Needed Flyer with details of event