2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.


SBA Taxiway Designation Changes

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Project Contact

Bradley Klinzing, PE
Supervising Engineer
(805) 692-6020



The FAA is requiring SBA bring the airfield into compliance with FAA Engineering Brief 89 regarding taxiway naming conventions.  FAA Engineering Brief requirements are now contained in FAA Advisory Circulars and provide the Airport with a means for ensuring compliance with applicable FAA regulations.  Provided below is a copy of the SBA & FAA Taxiway Naming Convention that will be incorporated into the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and revised Sign and Marking Program (SAMP). The Airport, SBA FAA Air Traffic, FAA Part 139 Certification Inspector, and the FAA Airports District Office have all recently agreed to the proposed naming convention following a Safety Risk Management Panel. The anticipated elements of work to this project and other associated upgrades are outlined below:

  • Update the SAMP: As taxiway names will be changing, the entire SAMP needs to be revised to reflect the proposed changes.  Once the new SAMP is completed, the Airport will submit to the FAA Certification Inspector for approval and subsequently submit the revised ALP for approval. Following approvals, it is anticipated that a final design scope of work will be under taken to implement the new SAMP as part of an FAA funded Airport Improvement Program (AIP) project.
  • Replacement of all airfield signs to new LED signage with updated taxiway designations.
  • Replacement of all remaining acrylic LED taxiway edge lighting which are at the end of their service life.
  • Replacement of the Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring System (ALCMS) servers/displays with new taxiway designations.
  • Replace Runway 7/25 incandescent edge lights with LED high intensity edge lights.
  • Study and if warranted, incorporate Pilot Controlled Lighting on the vast majority of airfield lighting circuits.

Project Timeline

Design Kick-Off - July 2021 Complete

100% Design Complete - February 2023 Complete

Construction Bidding - April 2023 In-Progress

Construction Start - Fall 2023 (estimated)

Construction Complete - Winter 2023 (estimated)

The final date and timing of these changes will be communicated to Airport stakeholders prior to physical changes taking place on the airfield.  Should the changes take place mid-charting cycle, NOTAMs will be issued to ensure aircraft operators are aware of any differences between airfield diagrams and the signage on the airfield.  As always, NOTAMs must be obtained prior to any flight operation to ensure the Pilot in Command is familiar with operations on the Airport.

New Taxiway Naming Convention
Current Taxiway Names for the Santa Barbara Airport

This was a collaborative effort between multiple FAA lines of business and Santa Barbara Airport to ensure the Airport’s layout remains compliant with FAA requirements.  Please provide any feedback comments regarding this project in the available form.


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