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Southfield Redevelopment Project

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Project Contact

Bradley Klinzing, PE
Supervising Engineer
(805) 692-6020

Why this project?

The 2017 Airport Master Plan recommended several intermediate-term and long-term capital improvement projects in the area south of the Airline Terminal, commonly known as ‘Southfield’. These recommended projects are to accommodate future growth in commercial passenger boardings (enplanements). Two of the recommended intermediate-term improvements were to construct additional remain overnight (RON) aircraft parking spaces and additional rental car parking. In doing so, the Airport will have greater flexibility to allow delayed aircraft (e.g. weather, mechanical, etc) to reposition away from the passenger boarding bridges until approved for departure. The additional rental car parking will help ensure an adequate number of rental cars are readily available for pick-up and drop-off at the Terminal.

The Southfield Redevelopment Project (Project) will generally consist of demolishing Hangar 5, reconfiguring the rental car ready/return lot to add roughly 50 additional spaces, and add three RON aircraft parking spaces. The redeveloped pavement area will be fully accessible and comply with the City's stormwater management program and include permeable concrete.

Note that the long-term plan for this area is to be redeveloped for the Terminal Expansion and Parking Structure project.

Project Timeline

Design Kick-Off - July 2020 Complete

100% Design Complete - September 2022 Complete

Construction Bidding - September 2022 Complete (no bids received)

Construction Re-bid - November 2022 Complete

Construction Start - July 2023

Construction Complete - July 2024 (Revised) 95% Complete


Southfield Plan Overview

Southfield Project Overview
Plan view showing limits of project disturbance and where the rental car and aircraft parking will be added.

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