
SBA Minimum Standards Update


Public Review and Comment Process

The Santa Barbara Airport staff and Aviation Management Consulting Group (AMCG) are in the process of updating the Minimum Standards for the Santa Barbara Municipal Airport (Airport). This document is a component of the Airport’s Primary Management Compliance Documents (PMCDs). PMCDs include Rules and Regulations, Minimum Standards, and the City’s Municipal Code.

PMCDs are a comprised of ordinances, rules, regulations, policies, and standards that govern the operation, management, and development of an airport. In combination, PMCDs are designed to: (1) contribute to the long-term financial health of an airport, (2) facilitate (foster) the orderly development of an airport, (3) encourage the provision of quality products, services, and facilities at an airport, (4) protect the health, safety, interest, and general welfare of the public, and (5) reduce the potential for conflict with tenants, consumers, and users.

Minimum Standards set forth the minimum requirements that need to be met (by an entity) as a condition for conducting commercial general aviation aeronautical activities at the Airport. The purpose of minimum standards is to provide a fair and reasonable opportunity to applicants who desire to qualify, or otherwise compete, to engage in authorized commercial aeronautical activities at the Airport.

The draft Minimum Standards are now available for public/stakeholder review and comment. You are invited to participate in this very important element of the document development process by providing your comments, additions, deletions, and/or suggested modifications of the draft.

The City has established the following mechanism to facilitate the review and comment process:

  • Download the draft Minimum Standards here to review.
  • Download the Review and Comment document here to provide and capture your comments on the draft Minimum Standards.
  • Download a copy of the 2017 Santa Barbara City Council approved Minimum Standards here.
  • If desired, you can review a printed copy of the draft Minimum Standards at the Airport Office.

You may submit written comments through the online survey or directly to Airport management by mail/email to:

Aaron Keller, Airport Operations Manager
Santa Barbara Municipal Airport
601 Firestone Road
Santa Barbara, California 93117

  • All comments and/or suggested additions, deletions and modifications must be made in writing.
  • It is very important to be specific in your comments. Clearly state whatever changes you feel are appropriate and why.

The draft Minimum Standards will be available for stakeholder/public review and comment following the Public Engagement event on Thursday, December 2, 2021, through Monday, January 3, 2022.

Airport staff and AMCG will thoughtfully review and respond in writing to all comments and/or suggested additions, deletions and modifications received. Suggested revisions will be incorporated into the subsequent draft of the Minimum Standards when appropriate. The draft document will then undergo a final review by the City Attorney before being presented to the Airport Commission.

You may also review the following Federal Aviation Administration guidance documents that are pertinent to the development of the draft Minimum Standards: