Dine & Shop

Costa Terraza Restaurant & Tapas Bar
Serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner options, plus local beer and wine.
Provided by First Class Concessions, Inc.
9:00 am - 7:00 pm (7 days/week)
(805) 770-2382
Location: post-security (ticketed passengers only)

Santa Barbara News & Gifts
Available items include drinks, snacks, magazines, newspapers, and books. The gift shop also sells a variety of travelers aids and Santa Barbara local wines and souvenirs. Santa Barbara News and Gifts is owned by the local firm M/E, Inc.
4:30 am - 8:00 pm (7 days/week)
(805) 967-3567
Location: post-security (ticketed passengers only)

Santa Barbara Roasting Company
Provided by First Class Concessions, Inc.
4:30 am - 5:00 pm (7 days/week)
(805) 770-2382
Location: post-security (ticketed passengers only)

Silvergreens Smart Fridge
Healthy on-the-go food and beverage options.
Provided by Silvergreens
Open 24/7
(619) 851-2051
Locations: baggage claim (pre-security) and near Gate 2 (post-security)