Todas las sedes de la Biblioteca Pública de Santa Bárbara estarán cerradas el lunes, 31 de marzo en conmemoración del Día de César Chávez.


About SBA


As the Tri-County Region's airport of choice, SBA will be self-sustaining, exceed expectations for safety and quality of service, and meet the air transportation and economic development needs of its customers and partners.

Santa Barbara Airport FAA Tower with mountains backdrop

Santa Barbara Airport Facts

Santa Barbara Airport encompasses 952 acres:

  • 400 acres - Aviation uses
  • 100 acres - Commercial/Industrial
  • 430 acres - Goleta Slough Ecological Reserve

Santa Barbara Airport, owned and operated by the City of Santa Barbara as an Enterprise Fund. The Airport Department generates its revenues from rental of property and fees from various aviation related activities.

Group of SBA Staff

Jobs at SBA

Santa Barbara Airport (SBA) is a Department of the City of Santa Barbara. As such, all hiring for open positions for SBA follow the City of Santa Barbara policies and procedures. 

SBA is also a community made up of a variety of business partners such as airlines, parking staff, TSA, FedEx, and many more. Each of these businesses individually recruit and hire their respective staff in accordance to their own policies and procedures. Please visit these businesses individual websites for more information.