
All SBPL locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 for César Chávez Day.
Vote SBA Best Small Airport for the 2025 Newsweek Readers' Choice Awards!
Jessica Metzger, AICP
Airport Planner
(805) 692-6032
Santa Barbara Airport (SBA) is a “small hub” airport currently served by United, Alaska, American, and Southwest airlines and their affiliates. Since the new Airline Terminal opened in August 2011, SBA has experienced approximately 40 percent growth in enplanements (i.e. commercial passenger boardings).
The Airport Master Plan (AMP) is an individual airport developed document that provides foresight to future projects and goals for the airport within the upcoming years. Currently, SBA is developing a Master Plan Update (MPU) to the 2017 AMP as SBA has grown is popularity and is adjusting its own needs.
The objective of the MPU is to provide the community and public officials with proper guidance for future development, which will satisfy aviation demands and be wholly compatible with the environment. Additionally, this project has the specific objective of re-examining the recommended direction from the 2017 AMP, while incorporating subsequent changes when conditions and circumstances may have invalidated previous recommendations. Still-valid concepts may be retained, while new concepts will be developed for those alternatives no longer valid or considered unacceptable or unworkable.
The MPU will follow the adopted guiding principles from the 2017 AMP, which guide the operations and long term planning at SBA:
Safety and Security. Provide safe and secure facilities and operating environment for aviators and the general public;
Economic Vitality. Continue to serve as a vital economic contributor to the region while maintaining the Airport’s economic self-sufficiency;
Transportation Diversity. Provide modern, quality facilities to serve a variety of aviation needs and services. Facilitate ground transportation options for travel to and from the Airport;
Community. Be a good neighbor by coordinating planning, being responsive to community concerns, and proactive in our environmental stewardship.
Sustainability. Support sustainable design of airport facilities and the wise use of resources.
Environmental Preservation. Assess future development as it relates to the Goleta Slough and other sensitive habitats.
Cultural Resource Protection. Preserve and enhance our archaeological and historic resources.
The Airport Master Plan Update is a comprehensive study that outlines the airport's short-term, medium-term, and long-term development plans. It aims to enhance operational efficiency, accommodate future aviation demand, and improve passenger experience while considering environmental and community impacts.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) sponsors a master plan, which must meet specific standards to justify funding.
A Master Plan is NOT:
A rigid “blueprint” for future development.
A binding document.
A document that sets policies or rates.
An engineering-level document.
A business plan or marketing plan.
A wish list or funding guarantee.
The Master Plan Update is a 20-year plan completed about every 10 years that is necessary to reflect changes in aviation demand, technology, regulatory requirements, and community needs. It ensures the airport's future development is aligned with current trends and projections, enabling us to meet the anticipated passenger and cargo traffic grow efficiently and sustainably.
Passenger volume is set to increase at a rate of 5% per year, regardless of any facility improvement. This means that if existing facilities are not improved, the overall passenger experience will deteriorate, and passengers with mobility issues will face even greater challenges accessing and navigating these public facilities.
Airlines can introduce larger airplanes, enabling them to serve popular destinations with more seats before adding a frequency. Additionally, it is important to note that many existing flights do not depart with all seats filled. Airlines will attempt to fill existing seats, adding to the total number of passengers using the airport.
Environmental sustainability is a key component of SBA’s Master Plan Update. It includes evaluating the environmental impact of proposed development projects and incorporating sustainable practices and technologies to minimize negative impacts on the environment and local community.
SBA is working with all possible partners to find creative solutions to noise concerns. These include working with airlines, Fixed Base Operators (FBOs), and flight schools to ensure agreed-upon take-off and landing paths are respected, weather and conditions permitting.
The long-term airport layout and the FAA-approved aviation forecasts will be combined in an FAA computer model to develop noise contours reflecting current conditions and the future 20-year condition. SBA will be able to identify areas where noise is expected to change throughout the forecast period.
If you live in the neighborhood and want to participate in the Noise Committee, please email SBA_MPU@SantaBarbaraCA.gov to learn how to get involved.
The suggested changes in the Master Plan Update include restriping Fowler Road to make passenger drop-off more effective and relocating the Rideshare area to a different location.
The goal of the Master Plan Update is to improve airport facilities based on the predicted number of flights and passengers. The MPU itself does not dictate the number of flights, airline carriers, or destinations. Separate from this plan, SBA has an ongoing air service development program that manages commercial service.
The Master Plan Update is funded through a combination of airport revenues, grants from governmental aviation agencies, and possibly other sources, depending on the specific needs and scope of the plan.
Taxpayer dollars are not funding the MPU project.
Over 90% of the MPU will be funded by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration).
Comments can be emailed to SBA_MPU@SantaBarbaraCA.gov
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The Santa Barbara Airport does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, treatment of, or employment in its programs, services, and activities.
500 James Fowler Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93117