2/17: All SBPL locations will be closed for Presidents’ Day.


SBA News

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Have you tried SBA's Freshful Fridge? This new smart fridge has recently been relocated to the second floor of the Terminal, near Gate 2. Now you can grab your snacks and beverages after security, while waiting for your flight! Freshful…
UPDATE: The Highway 101 project will begin Tuesday, July 11. During the overnight hours from Tuesday, July 11 through Friday morning July 14, travelers will encounter the closure of two lanes in each direction on…
City of Santa Barbara News
The community is invited to join Santa Barbara Airport (SBA) for an informational open house regarding the proposed Terminal Improvement Project. As recommended in the 2017 Airport Master Plan, the objective of the Terminal Improvement…
7/17 UPDATE: The Highway 217 project begins 7/17. There will be a full overnight closure of the highway on Monday, 7/17 and Tuesday, 7/18 from 10 pm to 6 am. Hollister and Sandspit on-ramps will be closed. Further updates…
Working on your summer travel plans? Take advantage of increased flight service this season! Both United and Southwest are adding additional flights to their schedules to help get you where you’re going:
Congratulations to SBA’s Employee of the Month for April – Julia Ruiz-Anderson! Julia is a valued and integral member of the Facilities Division and was recognized for her care, customer service, team orientation, positivity, and…
With more than one million passengers each year, Santa Barbara Airport's Advertising and Partnerships Program offers a strategic new way to gain exposure for your brand.
NerdWallet recently named Santa Barbara Airport as one of America's most charming airports. The list, consisting of nine airports across the U.S., ranked SBA as number six. These airports were chosen for several reasons, including "…
Santa Barbara Airport was honored to host a Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) training event on Thursday, May 25. Guide dog puppies-in-training and volunteer "puppy raisers" participated in a specialized training exercise to teach the pups…
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